- 1853
- John Ruskin (in a lecture on Pre-Raphaelitism) distinguishes three artistic periods in European history: “Classicalism, extending to the fall of the Roman Empire; Mediaevalism, extending from that fall to the close of the fifteenth century; and Modernism thenceforward to our days.” (OED)
- 1872
- Charles Eastlake, A History of the Gothic Revival
- 1908
- George Tyrell, Medievalism. A Reply to Cardinal Mercier
- 1911
- P. Berret, Le Moyen Age dans la ‘Légende des Siècles’ et les sources de Victor Hugo
- 1917
- Eleanor N. Adams, Old English Scholarship in England from 1566-1800
- 1922
- Gottfried Salomon, Das Mittelalter als Ideal in der Romantik
- 1924
- Reinhard Haferkorn, Gotik und Ruine in der englischen Dichtung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
- 1928
- Kenneth Clark, The Gothic Revival: An Essay in the History of Taste
- 1932
- R.F. Brinkley, Arthurian Legend in the Seventeenth Century
- Paul Yvon, Le Gothique et la renaissance gothique en Angleterre (1750-1880)
- 1936
- W. Farnham, The Medieval Heritage of Elizabethan Tragedy
- 1945
- Margaret Rose Grennan, William Morris: Medievalist and Revolutionary
- 1946
- N. Edelman, Attitudes of Seventeenth-Century France towards the Middle Ages
- 1952
- S. Kliger, The Goths in England: A Study in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Thought
- 1955
- Charles Herbert Kegel, Medieval-Modern Contrasts Used for a Social Purpose in the Works of William Cobbett, Robert Southey, A. Welby Pugin, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, and William Morris
- 1964
- A. Johnston, Enchanted Ground: The Study of Medieval Romance in the Eighteenth Century
- 1966
- A Briggs, Saxons, Normans and Victorians
- 1968
- Lionel Gossman, Medievalism and the Ideologies of the Englightenment: The World and Work of la Curne de Sainte-Palaye
- 1969
- Lorayne Horka-Follick, Los Hermanos Penitentes: A Vestige of Medievalism in Southwestern United States
- 1970
- Alice Chandler, A Dream of Order. The Medieval Ideal in Nineteenth-Century English Literature
- 1972
- Stuart McDougal, Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition
- 1973
- Vittore Branca edits Concetto, storia, miti e immagini del medio evo
- Francesco Alberoni, Furio Colombo, Umberto Eco, Giuseppe Sacco, Documenti su il nuovo medioevo
- 1975
- Leslie J. Workman and Alice P. Kenney, “Ruins, Romance, and Reality: Medievalism in Anglo-American Imagination and Taste, 1750-1840, Winterthur Portfolio 10
- R. Bales, Proust and the Middle Ages
- Patricia Ward, The Medievalism of Victor Hugo
- F. Graus, Lebendige Vergangenheit: Überlieferung im Mittelalter und in den Vorstellungen des Mittelalters
- L. Kerssen, Das Interesse am Mittelalter im deutschen Nationaldenkmal
- 1976
- Leslie J. Workman’s organizes the first sessions at the International Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, MI, USA
- 1976-2005: The journal Quaderni medievali includes a column of essays focusing on ideas of the Middle Ages held by people who are not professional historians of the era. The column is titled “L’altro medioevo” (“The Other Middle Ages”)
- 1977
- H. Cooper, Pastoral: Medieval into Renaissance
- Hans Robert Jauss, Alterität und Modernität der mittelalterlichen Literatur
- 1978
- G.M. Gugelberger, Ezra Pound’s Medievalism
- 1979
- Leslie J. Workman founds Studies in Medievalism with vol. I.i dedicated to Medievalism in England
- E. MacAndrew, The Gothic Tradition in Fiction
- 1980
- Paul Zumthor, Parler du Moyen Age
- 1981
- Mark Girouard, The Return of Camelot: Chivalry and the English Gentleman
- 1982
- Leslie J. Workman edits Studies in Medievalism I.ii, Medievalism in America
- John Mulryan edits Milton and the Middle Ages
- J. Fraser, America and Patterns of Chivalry
- Leslie Workman and Jane Chance edit Studies in Medievalism II.i, Twentieth Century Medievalism
- 1983
- Leslie J. Workman and Heather Arden edit Studies in Medievalism II.ii, Medievalism in France
- Leslie J. Workman and Kathleen Verduin edit Studies in Medievalism II.iii, Dante in the Modern World
- Leslie J. Workman and Veronica M.S. Kennedy edit Studies in Medievalism II.iv, Modern Arthurian Literature
- 1984
- J. Banham and J. Harris edit William Morris and the Middle Ages
- Paul Ruggiers edits Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition
- 1985
- Leslie J. Workman, publishes “To Castle Dangerous: The Influence of Walter Scott,” in: Castles: An Enduring Fantasy, ed. N. Kline
- Umberto Eco, “Dieci modi di sognare il medioevo,” in Sugli specchi e altri saggi, pp. 78-89 (transl. as “Ten Little Middle Ages,” in Faith in Fakes. Travels in Hyperreality, pp. 68-72)
- 1986
- Annual International Conference on Medievalism congress founded
- Conference proceedings series, The Year’s Work in Medievalism, commences publication
- A. B. Ferguson, The Chivalric Tradition in Renaissance England
- Leslie J. Workman’s entry on “M” appears in the Arthurian Encyclopedia, ed. Norris Lacy
- Il sogno del medioevo. Il revival del medioevo nelle culture contemporanee, monographic issue of the journal Quaderni medievali, 21
- 1987
- Leslie J. Workman and Heather Arden edit Studies in Medievalism III.i, Medievalism in France 1500-1700
- R.G. Smith, The Gothic Bequest: Medieval Institutions in British Thought, 1688-1863
- Malcolm D. Allen, The Medievalism of Lawrence of Arabia
- 1988
- K. Bergeron, Decadent Enchantments: The Revival of Gregorian Chant at Solesmes
- Janet E. Goebel and Rebecca Cochran, Selected Papers on Medievalism
- A. H. Harrison, Swinburne’s Medievalism: A Study in Victorian Love Poetry
- 1989
- Leslie Workman,”’My First Real Tutor’: The Correspondence of John Ruskin and Charles Eliot Norton,” New England Quarterly 62.4
- Michel Cerquiglini, Éloge de la variante: Histoire critique de la philologie
- P. Hunter Stiebel, Of Knights and Spires: Gothic Revival in France and Germany
- Siegfried Grosse & Ursula Rautenberg, Die Rezeption mittelalterlicher deutscher Dichtung. Eine Bibliographie ihrer Übersetzungen und Bearbeitungen seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts
- Reinhart Elze & Pierangelo Schiera edit Italia e Germania. Immagini, modelli, miti fra due popoli dell’Ottocento: il medioevo
- 1990
- Leslie Workman & John R. Zukowsky edit Studies in Medievalism III.ii, Architecture and Design
- Stephen G. Nichols publishes the January 1990 edition of Speculum (60/1) on “The New Philology”
- L. Fraisse, L’oeuvre cathedrale: Proust et l’architecture médiévale
- C. Guilfoyle, Shakespeare’s Play within the Play: Medieval Imagery and Scenic Form in Hamlet, Othello and King Lear
- R.R. Agrawal, The Medieval Revival and its Influence on the Romantic Movement
- H. Whittaker, King Arthur in Legend and History
- R. Simpson, Camelot Regained: The Arthurian Revival and Tennyson, 1800-1849
- Valerie M. Lagorio & Mildred Leake Day edit King Arthur through the Ages
- 1991
- Leslie J. Workman & Jane Chance edit Studies in Medievalism III.iii, Inklings and Others
- Leslie J. Workman and Francis G. Gentry edit Studies in Medievalism III.iv, German Medievalism
- Norman Cantor, Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century
- Boydell & Brewer adopts Studies in Medievalism as one of its book series
- Kevin J. Harty edits Cinema Arthuriana: Essays on Arthurian Film
- Marina S. Brownlee, Kevin Brownlee, and Stephen G. Nichols edit The New Medievalism
- 1992
- Leslie J. Workman edits Studies in Medievalism IV, Medievalism in England
- F. Boos edits History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism
- Jacques Heers, Le Moyen Age, une imposture
- Gerd Althoff edits Die Deutschen und ihr Mittelalter
- L. Girolamy-Cheney edits Pre-Raphaelitism and Medievalism in the Arts
- John Simons, From Medieval to Medievalism
- 1993
- Leslie J. Workman edits Studies in Medievalism V, Medievalism in Europe
- V. Attolini, Immagini del Medioevo nell’cinema
- Leslie J. Workman publishes “Medievalism and Romanticism” in special issue of Poetica
- Renato Bordone, Lo specchio di Shalott. L’invenzione del medioevo nella cultura dell’Ottocento
- Matteo Sanfilippo, Il medioevo secondo Walt Disney: come l’America ha reinventato l’età di mezzo
- 1994
- Kathleen Verduin edits Studies in Medievalism VI, Medievalism in North America
- Stephen Knight, Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw
- William D. Paden edits The Future of the Middle Ages. Medieval Literature in the 1990s
- John Van Engen edits The Past and Future of Medieval Studies
- 1995
- Leslie J. Workman & Kathleen Verduin edit Studies in Medievalism VII, Medievalism in England II
- Georges Duby, An 1000 An 2000. Sur les traces de nos peurs
- Studi medievali e immagine del medioevo fra Ottocento e Novecento, monographic issue of Bullettino dell’Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 100
- 1996
- Leslie J. Workman & Kathleen Verduin edit Studies in Medievalism VIII, Medievalism in Europe II
- Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Germany, begins book series, Mittelalter-Mythen, ed. U. Müller & W. Wunderlich
- R. Howard Bloch & Stephen G. Nichols edit Medievalism and the Modernist Temper
- P. Carr-Gomm, The Druid Renaissance: The Voice of Druidry Today
- Kim Moreland, The Medievalism Impulse in American Literature: Twain, Adams, Fitzgerald and Hemingway
- Leslie J. Workman publishes “Medievalism Today” in the Medieval Feminist Newsletter
- B. Bergdoll, A.W.N. Pugin: Master of the Gothic Revival
- 1997
- Leslie J. Workman, Kathleen Verduin, & David Metzger edit Studies in Medievalism IX, Medievalism and the Academy
- M.-F. Alamichel and Derek Brewer edit The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages in the English-Speaking World
- Allen J. Frantzen and John D. Niles edit Anglo-Saxonism and the Construction of Social Identity
- G. Allaire, Andrea de Barberino and the Language of Chivalry
- N.U. Haghofer, The Fall of Arthur’s Kingdom: A Study in Tennyson’s ‘The Holy Grail’
- Gugliemo Cavallo, Claudio Leonardi & Enrico Menestò edit Lo spazio letterario del medioevo. 1. Il medioevo latino. IV. L’attualizzazione del testo
- Enrico Menestò edits Il medioevo: specchio ed alibi
- 1998
- Richard Utz & Tom Shippey edit Medievalism in the Modern World. Essays in Honour of Leslie Workman
- David Metzger edits Studies in Medievalism X, Medievalism and the Academy II
- A. Kreutziger-Herr & D. Radepennig edit Mittelalter-Sehnsucht? Texte des interdisziplinären Symposiums zur musikalischen Mittelalterrezeption an der Universität Heidelberg, April 1998
- Brepols Publishers begins book series Making the Middle Ages, U of Sydney Centre for Medieval Studies
- Roger Dahood edits The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Problems, Tends, and Opportunities for Research
- William Gentrup edits Reinventing the Middle Ages and the Renaissance:Constructions of the Medieval and Early Modern Period
- Kathleen Biddick, The Shock of Medievalism
- 1999
- Palgrave Macmillan Publishers begins its book series: The New Middle Ages, ed. Bonnie Wheeler
- Kevin J. Harty, The Reel Middle Ages: American, Western and Eastern European, Middle Eastern, and Asian Films About Medieval Europe
- David Matthews, The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910
- Romanticismo/Medievalismo, monographic issue of the journal La Questione romantica, 7/8
- Giuseppe Sergi, L’idea di medioevo. Fra storia e senso comune
- 2000
- K. Jurzig, Mittelalterrezeption in Wackenroders ‘Herzensergiessungen’
- A.G. Stanley, Imagining the Anglo-Saxon Past
- E. Höltenschmidt, Die Mittelalterrezeption der Brüder Schlegel
- Laura Cooner Lambdin, Camelot in the Nineteenth Century: Arthurian Characters in the Poems of Tennyson, Arnold, Morris, and Swinburne
- Andrew Wawn publishes The Vikings and the Victorians: Inventing the Old North in 19th-Century Britain
- Michèle Gally edits La trace médiévale et les écrivains d’aujourd’hui
- 2001
- Leslie J. Workman dies in Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Tom Shippey & Martin Arnold edit Studies in Medievalism XI, Appropriating the Middle Ages: Scholarship, Politics, Fraud
- Elizabeth Emery, Romancing the Cathedral: Gothic Architecture in Fin de Siècle French Culture
- I. Durand Le-Guern, Le Moyen Age des Romantiques
- 2002
- J.P. Midant, Viollet-le-Duc: The French Gothic Revival
- P. Clarkson, Chivalry and Medievalism in Cheltenham’s Victorian Public Schools
- Elizabeth Fay, Romantic Medievalism: History and the Romantic Literary Ideal
- Tom Shippey, J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century
- Daniele Lupo Jalla, et al., edit Medioevo reale, medioevo immaginario. Confronti e percorsi culturali tra regioni d’Europa
- 2003
- Tom Shippey & Martin Arnold edit Studies in Medievalism XII, Film & Fiction: Reviewing the Middle Ages
- J. Aberth, A Knight at the Movies: Medieval History on Film
- Angela Jane Weisl, The Persistence of Medievalism. Narrative Adventures in Contemporary Culture
- Jane Chance, Tolkien the Medievalist
- Elizabeth Emery & Laura Morowitz, Consuming the Past: The Medieval Revival in Fin de Siècle Fance
- 2004
- Richard Utz and Jesse G. Swan edit Studies in Medievalism XIII, Postmodern Medievalisms
- A.G. Watson, Medieval Manuscripts in Post Medieval England
- Allen J. Frantzen publishes Bloody Good. Chivalry, Sacrifice, and the Great War
- R. Sweet, Antiquaries: The Discovery of the Past in Eighteenth-Century Britain
- Kathleen Verduin publishes extensive entry on “M” in the supplement to the Dictionary of the Middle Ages
- Louise D’Arcens & Juanita Feros Ruys edit “Maistresse of My Wit:” Medieval Women, Modern Scholars
- Neil Winn, Neo-Medievalism and Civil War
- Stéphane Michaud edits Chemins tournants. Cycles et recueils en littérature, des romans du Graal à la poésie contemporaine
- Giuseppe Sergi & Enrico Castelnuovo edit Il medioevo al passato e al presente
- Piero Boitani, Mario Mancini & Alberto Vàrvaro edit Lo spazio letterario del medioevo. 2. Il medioevo volgare. IV. L’attualizzazione del testo
- 2005
- Tom Shippey & Martin Arnold edit Studies in Medievalism XIV, Correspondences: Medievalism in Scholarship and the Arts
- Brepols Publishers begins its book series: Ritus et Artes, Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals, U of Copenhagen
- Eyolf Østrem, Mette Birkedal Bruun, Nils Holger Petersen & Jens Fleischer edit Genre and Ritual: The Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals
- Stephanie Trigg edits Medievalism and the Gothic in Australian Culture
- Susan Aronstein, Hollywood Knights: Arthurian Cinema and the Politics of Nostalgia
- Bruce Holsinger, The Premodern Condition: Medievalism and the Making of Theory
- Jennifer Palmgren & Lorretta M. Holloway edit Beyond Arthurian Romances: The Reach of Victorian Medievalism
- 2006
- Veronica Ortenberg, In Search of the Holy Grail. The Quest for the Middle Ages
- Erin Felicia Labbie, Lacan’s Medievalism
- Dinah Hazell, The Plants of Middle-Earth: Botany and Sub-creation
- 2007
- Karl Fugelso edits Studies in Medievalism XV, Memory and Medievalism
- Michael Alexander, Medievalism. The Middle Ages in Modern England
- Jane Chance, Tolkien the Medievalist
- Stephan Goebel, The Great War and Medieval Memory: War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940
- Candace Barrington, American Chaucers
- Tom Shippey, Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien
- Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli edits Neomedievalismi: recuperi, evocazioni, invenzioni nelle citta dell’Emilia-Romagna
- 2008
- Karl Fugelso & Carol Robinson edit Studies in Medievalism XVI, Medievalism in Technology Old and New
- Eyolf Østrem and Nils Holger Petersen, Medieval Ritual and Early Modern Music: The Devotional Practice of Lauda Singing in Late-Renaissance Italy
- John M. Ganim, Medievalism and Orientalism: Three Essays on Literature, Architecture and Cultural Identity
- Mette B. Brun & Stephanie Glaser edit Negotiating Heritage: Memories of the Middle Ages
- Isabel DiVanna, Reconstructing the Middle Ages: Gaston Paris and the Development of Nineteenth-Century Medievalism
- Nickolas Haydock, Movie Medievalism: The Imaginary Middle Ages
- Isabel Divana, Reconstructing the Middle Ages: Gaston Paris and the Development of Nineteenth-Century Medievalism
- Marco Brando, Lo strano caso di Federico II di Svevia. Un mito medievale nella cultura di massa, prefazione di Raffaele Licinio, postfazione di Franco Cardini
- 2009
- Konrad Eisenbichler edits Renaissance Medievalisms
- Liz Scala & Sylvia Federico edit The Post-historical Middle Ages
- Michael Camille, The Gargoyles of Notre-Dame. Medievalism and the Monsters of Modernity
- ms publishes its inaugural review, by Ilse A. Schweitzer, of D. Hazell’s The Plants of Middle-Earth
- Stephanie Wodianka, Zwischen Mythos und Geschichte: Ästhetik, Medialität und Kulturspezifik der Mittelalterkonjunktur
- Karl Fugelso, ed., Studies in Medievalism XVII, Defining Medievalism(s)
- Clare Broome Saunders, Women Writers and Nineteenth-Century Medievalism
- Kathleen Coyne Kelly & Tison Pugh, eds., Queer Movie Medievalism
- 2010
- ms publishes Jesse Swan’s review of K. Eisenbichler, ed., Renaissance Medievalisms
- Karl Fugelso and Chris Jones call for manuscripts for book series, Medievalism, Boydell & Brewer
- Kathleen Davis & Nadia Altschul edit Medievalisms in the Postcolonial World
- ms publishes Gwendolyn Morgan’s review of A. de Saint-Exupéry, Be þam lytlan æþelinge
- Fidel Fajardo-Acosta, Courtly Seductions, Modern Subjections
- ms publishes Katie Lister’s review of C.B. Saunders, Women Writers and Nineteenth-Century Medievalism
- Michelle Warren publishes Creole Medievalisms [rev. by R. Utz, TMR, 2012]
- Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès, Véronique Dominguez & Jelle Koopmans edit Les pères du théâtre médiéval
- Alicia C. Montoya, Sophie van Romburgh, and Wim van Anrooij edit Early Modern Medievalisms
- Kathryn Bush edits Mapping Medievalism at the Canadian Frontier
- ms publishes Mustafa Kemal Mirzeler’s review of K. Davis & N. Alschul, Medievalisms in the Postcolonial World
- ms publishes Amy S. Kaufman’s review of David W. Marshall, ed., Mass Market Medieval
- ms publishes Janice Mann’s review of Michael Camille, The Gargoyles of Notre Dame
- Gwendolyn Morgan, ed., The Year's Work in Medievalism 10 (2010)
- ms publishes Michael R. Evans's review of Nickolas Haydock and E. L. Risden, eds., Hollywood in the Holy Land
- 2011
- ms publishes Lesley A. Coote's review of Jerome de Groot, The Historical Novel
- ms publishes Karl Fugelso's review of Seymour Chwast, Dante's Divine Comedy
- David Matthews, ed., In Strange Countries: Middle English Literature and Its Afterlife [review]
- ms publishes Karl Fugelso's review of Alan J. Koman, A Who's Who of Your Ancestral Saints
- ms publishes Richard Utz's review of Kathryn Bush, ed., Mapping Medievalism at the Canadian Frontier
- ms publishes William Calin's review of Vincent Ferré, ed., Médiévalisme. Modernité du Moyen Âge
- Michelle R. Warren, Creole Medievalism: Colonial France and Joseph Bédier’s Middle Ages
- Ute Berns and Andrew James Johnston edit Medievalism (special edn. of European Journal of English Studies, 15:2)
- Louise D'Arcens publishes Old Songs in the Timeless Land: Medievalism in Australian Literature 1840-1919
- Nils Holger Petersen, Eyolf Østrem, and Andreas Bücker, eds., Resonances: Historical Essays on Continuity and Change
- Nadia R. Altschul, Geographies of Philological Knowledge
- Tommaso Di Carpegna Falconieri, Medieovo militante. La politia di oggi alle prese con barbari e crociati
- 2012
- ms publishes Amy Kaufman's review of Berns/Johnston, eds., Medievalism
- Carol L. Robinson and Pamela Clements, eds., Neo-medievalism in the Media: Essays on Film, Television, and Electronic Games
- ms publishes Carol L. Robinson's review of Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies
- Candace Barrington and Jonathan Hsy found Global Chaucers
- Zrinka Stahuljak, Pornographic Archaeology: Medicine, Medievalism, and the Invention of the French Nation
- Dina Khapaeva, (trans. Nina Kehayan) Portrait critique de la Russie. Essai sur la société gothique.
- Tyson Pugh and Angela Jane Weisl, Medievalisms: Making the Past in the Present
- Gail Ashton and Daniel T. Kline, eds., Medieval Afterlines in Popular Culture
- ms publishes Richard Utz's review of Mary Fishman, dir., Band of Sisters
- Robert Boenig, C.S. Lewis and the Middle Ages
- Maggie M. Williams, Icons of Irishness from the Middle Ages to the Present
- Carolyn Dinshaw, How Soon Is Now?
- 2013
- Muhammed Al Da’Mi, Caught in a Dream: Nine Paradoxes from Middle-Eastern Medievalism
- ms publishes Karl Fugelso's review of Resonances: Historical Essays on Continuity and Change, ed. N.H. Petersen, et. al.
- ms publishes Kevin Moberly and Brent Moberly's review of Simony, by Ian Bogost
- ms publishes Alan Lupack's review of George Tyson, The Never King
- ms publishes Kellie S. Meyer's review of Castles: An Anthology
- ms publishes Tracey-Ann Cooper review of Ryan Lavelle's Alfred's Wars
- ms publishes Leah Haught's review of Simon Armitage's The Death of King Arthur
- ms publishes Kevin Harty's review of Pippin, dir. Diane Paulus
- ms publishes Lisa Horton's review of Ashton and Kline, eds., Medieval Afterlives in Popular Culture
- ms publishes Kristin Bovaird-Abbo's review of Weiss and Salih, eds. Locating the Middle Ages
- ms published Christina Szilagyi's review of Caldwell and Caldwell, eds., Rome: Continuing Encounters
- ms publishes Russell A. Peck's review of Pugh and Aronstein, eds., The Disney Middle Ages
- Cynthia J. Cyrus, Received Medievalisms: A Cognitive Geography of Viennese Women’s Convents
- ms publishes Valerie B. Johnson's review Kathy Cawsey's Twentieth-Century Chaucer Criticism
- ms publishes Carol L. Robinson's review of Krzywinska, MacCallum, and Parsler, eds., Ringbearers: The Lord of the Rings Online as Intertextual Narrative
- ms publishes Leila K. Norako's review of Andrews, Chapman, and Purcell, dirs., Brave
- Tison Pugh, Queer Chivalry: Medievalism and the Myth of White Masculinity in Southern Literature
- ms publishes Kristina Olson and Janet Snyder's review of McQueen, fashion designer - Medieval McQueen, The Final Collection
- ms publishes Alex Mueller's review of Tolkien, The Fall of Arthur
- ms publishes Jana K. Schulman's review of Hudson, Studies in the Medieval Atlantic
- ms publishes Thomas L. Long's review of Kelen, Renaissance Retrospections
- ms publishes Sharon Rhodes' review of Brackmann, The Elizabethan Invention of Anglo-Saxon England
- ms publishes Helen Nicholson's review of Riley-Smith, The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam
- 2014
- ms publishes Jason Tondro's review of Fajardo, Kid Beowulf
- ms publishes Kara L. McShane's review of Bergvall, Meddle English: New and Selected Texts
- ms publishes Martin O. Heisler's review of Keymeulen and Tollebeek, Henri Pirenne, Historian
- ms publishes Andrew Bozio's review of Niayesh, A Knight's Legacy
- ms publishes Jessica Stacey's review of Sigu, Médiévisme et lumières
- ms publishes Candace Robb's review of Chappell, Perilous Passages
- ms publishes Emily Griffiths Jones' review of Trigg, Shame and Honor
- ms publishes Hilary Fox's review of Griffith, Hild
- ms publishes Misty Schieberle's review of Hebert, Morgan le Fay, Shapeshifter
- ms publishes Elan Justice Pavlinich's review of Stromberg, Maleficent
- ms publishes Kathryn Fredericks's review of Montoya, Medievalist Enlightenment
- ms publishes Kristi J. Castleberry's review of Perez, The Myth of Morgan la Fay
- 2015
- ms publishes Michael Evans's interview with Candace Robb
- ms publishes Kevin J. Harty's review of Vaughn, Kingsman, The Secret Service
- ms publishes Dustin Frazier's review of Kingsnorth, The Wake
- ms publishes A. Keith Kelly's review of Risden, Alfgar's Stories from Beowulf
- ms publishes Ronald Herzman's review of Looney, Freedom Readers
- ms publishes Michael Evans's review of Scaer, Passacaglia
- ms publishes Randy P. Schiff's review of Pugh, Queer Chivalry
- ms publishes Melanie Maddox's review of Wood, The Modern Origins of the Early Middle Ages
- ms publishes Richard Utz's review of Oexle, Die Gegenwart des Mittelalters
- ms publishes Daniel de Paula Valentim Hutchins's review of Toswell, Borges, The Unacknowledged Medievalist
- ms publishes Julia M. Smith's review of Matthews, Medievalism: A Critical History
- ms publishes Nicole Lobdell's review of Seki, The Rhetoric of Retelling Old Romances
- US presidential candidate Ben Carson is revealed to have cited Gregory of Tours's explanation for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids
- ms publishes Sabina Rahman's review of Knight, Reading Robin Hood
- 2016
- ms publishes Valerie Johnson's review of International Association for Robin Hood Studies 10th Biennial Meeting, "Outlaws in Context"
- ms publishes Pamela Yee's review of Fusco, Marco Polo
- ms publishes Helen J. Nicholson's review of Buc, Holy War, Martyrdom and Terror
- ms publishes Julie A. Chappell's review of Oz Hardwick (ed.), New Crops from Old Fields
- ms publishes Stephen Basdeo's review of Carolyne Larrington, Winter is Coming
- ms publishes Christopher Berard's review of Salda, Arthurian Animation
- ms publishes Patricia Taylor's review of Attar and Shutters, Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Cross-Cultural Encounters
- ms publishes Arthur Bahr's review of Ishiguro, The Buried Giant
- ms publishes Valerie Johson's review of Polack and Kania, The Middle Ages Unlocked
- ms publishes Robin Wharton's review of Kennedy and Truitt, Medieval Hackers and Medieval Robots
- ms publishes Gayle Fallon's review of Larrington, The Land of the Green Man
- ms publishes Ann F. Howey's review of Mintz, Arthurian Tales
- ms publishes Mikee Delony's review of Leveen, Juliet's Nurse
- ms publishes Laura Harrison's review of Morton, William Wallace: a National Tale
- ms publishes Andrew D. Buck's review of Cassidy-Welch, Remembering the Crusades and Crusading
- 2017
- ms publishes Leila K. Norako's review of Eastwood, American Sniper
- ms publishes Erin Lee Mock's review of Woods, The Medieval Filmscape
- ms publishes Meg Pearson's review of King and Woodcock, Medieval into Renaissance
- ms publishes Máire Johnson's review Parker (ed.), The Harp and the Constitution
- ms publishes Elaine Graham-Leigh's review of Sennis (ed.), Cathars in Question
- ms publishes Daniel Wollenberg's review of Elliott, Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media
- ms publishes Ryan Harper's review of Utz, Medievalism: A Manifesto
- ms publishes Ryan Kemp's review of Lerner, Ernst Kantorowicz
- ms publishes Micheal Crafton's review of Emery and Utz, Medievalism: Key Critical Terms
- ms publishes Oliver Raker's review of Loud and Staub, The Making of Medieval History
- 2018
- ms publishes Annie Heckel's review of Kears and Paz, Medieval Science Fiction
- ms publishes Carolyne Larrington's review of Huckvale, A Green and Pagan Land
- ms publishes Ellie Crookes's review of Shaw, Saint Joan (Sydney Theatre Company)
- ms publishes Lisa Plummer Crafton's review of Garner, Romantic Women Writers and the Arthurian Legend
- ms publishes Daisy Black's review of Spencer-Hall, Medieval Saints and Modern Screens
- ms publishes Felix Taylor's review of Parker, Dragon Lords
- ms publishes Andrew Elliott's review of Wollenberg, Medieval Imagery in Today's Politics
- 2019
- ms publishes Michael Evans's interview with Tim O'Neill
- ms publishes William Biel's review of Felce, William Morris and the Icelandic Sagas
- ms publishes Mark Turner's review of Mills, Derek Jarman's Medieval Modern
- ms publishes Rebekah Greene's review of Gribling, The Image of Edward The Black Prince
- ms publishes Robert J. Meyer-Lee's review of Turner, Chaucer: A European Life
- 2020
- ms publishes Maire Johnson's review of Flechner, Saint Patrick Retold
- ms publishes Anna Czarnowus's review of Nowakowska, Remembering the Jagielloniana
- ms publishes Minjie Su's review of October, Marco Polo
- ms publishes Melissa Ridley Elmes's review of Mittman and Hensel, Demonstrare
- ms publishes Laura Dull's review of Cicere, Re-Enchanted
- ms publishes Matthias D. Berger's review of Carpegna Falconieri's Militant Middle Ages
- ms publishes Simon Trafford's review of Hardwick and Lister, Vikings and the Vikings
- ms publishes Stephen Basdeo's review of Barber, The Daemons
- 2021
- ms publishes Gayle Fallon's review of Dennison, Heaven Sent
- 2022
- 2023
- ms publishes Clint Morrison's review of Obsidian Entertainment, Pentiment
An Open Access Review Journal Encouraging Critical Engagement with the Continuing Process of Inventing the Middle Ages